All submissions must be accompanied by the proper forms. Forms may be downloaded and printed from this web page:
ARMA Community Calendar Form – Download PDF
The Community Calendar is to be used for non-profit civic groups to display non-commercial events at the discretion of the Auburn Regional Media Access. Auburn Regional Media Access reserves the right to refuse or discontinue posting of any submission at any time, for any reason. Submission by way of this form does not guarantee the item(s) will be posted. ALL submissions will be reviewed for content and appropriateness before posting. Submissions should be made with enough advance time to allow for review and in consideration of staff’s schedule. The Auburn Regional Media Access, it’s staff and web master are not responsible for typographical errors in dates, times or content. Nor are they responsible for damages of any kind as a result of typographical error, omissions or inclusions. No submission will be considered without valid contact information. Confirmation of receipt of this request will only be made by
e-mail. The maximum amount of time for a single announcement is six months.
ARMA Statement of Compliance – Download PDF
This form must be filled out by all potential programmers and producers hoping to broadcast on ARMA channels or use ARMA equipment for such broadcasts. SInce the cable access franchise agreement is between the cable companies and the City of Auburn, only Auburn residents or representatives from local non-profits that serve the Auburn area can submit video programs for ARMA to broadcast. All programmers and producers must show their photo ID to an ARMA technical staff member before she/he begins to submit video programs and/or use ARMA equipment.
Equipment Request Form – Download PDF
This form must be filled out each time you take out ARMA equipment for eventual ARMA broadcasts. SInce the cable access franchise agreement is between the cable companies and the City of Auburn, only Auburn residents or representatives from local non-profits that serve the Auburn area can take out ARMA equipment. All producers must show their New York State Driver’s ID to an ARMA technical staff member each time before she/he can take out and use ARMA equipment. All producers must have successfully taken the appropriate classes and exhibit proficiency with equipment before taking ARMA equipment out. Producers under 18 years need to have a responsible adult also go to classes and exhibit proficiency with ARMA equipment.
Equipment is to be used solely for public access projects to be aired on ARMA. There is a 48-hour limit on all weekday equipment loans, 72 hours on weekends.
ARMA Cablecast Agreement – Download PDF
This form must be filled out with each video program submission and only after the programmer and producer has a signed and verified Statement of Compliance form on file at the ARMA office.
ARMA Government Cablecast Agreement – Download PDF
• Government Cablecast Agreements must be renewed every 6 months.
• Programs may be suspended during election season, if equal time cannot be afforded to all candidates.
Please read the ARMA Submission Procedure (outlined below), prior to submitting your video program:
Media Types Accepted:
DVD; Digital Video Data Formats (.mov, .avi, .mpg, .m4v, .wmv)
Formatting Requirements For MULTIPLE PROGRAMS:
5 seconds black before/after programs.
Slates (title, producer, duration, etc.) required when multiple programs are on a DVD/digital media
Where to Submit Program:
Auburn Regional Media Access Dropbox
108 Genesee Street
Auburn, NY 13021
Individual Program Delivery:
Programs must accompany signed individual cablecast requests, such as ARMA Cablecast Agreement
Notification of Programmer
Programmers will be notified by email or US mail of scheduled program times. Schedule requests will be responded to within 7 business days.
PLEASE NOTE: VIDEO Programming is reviewed by Staff and Board of Directors.
Number of Plays per Program:
Three (please indicate on Cablecast Agreement)
Additional Reruns:
as channel space permits at ARMA Staff discretion
Requests per Programmer:
No limit
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